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Inspire! Adult Learning Awards 2020 – NOMINATIONS OPEN / Gwobrau Ysbrydoli! Addysg Oedolion 2020 – ENWEBIDAU AR AGOR

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Wythnos Addysg Oedolion
22-28 Mehefin 2020

Rydym eisiau i bawb wireddu eu huchelgais a’u potensial o ran dysgu, gwaith a thrwy gydol oes. Mae hybu dysgu a sgiliau yn rhan hanfodol o’r gwaith yr ydym yn ei wneud gyda phartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid ar draws Cymru.
Wythnos Addysg Oedolion 22-28 Mehefin 2020
Agor drysau i ddysgu gydol oes

Rydym eisiau gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid a darparwyr addysg oedolion ar draws Cymru i greu digwyddiadau allgymorth mewn gwyliau a gweithgareddau hyrwyddo i roi cyfle i bobl roi cynnig ar sgiliau newydd, i gael gwybodaeth am gyrsiau, gwybod ble i fynd i gael cyngor a chymorth a gwneud cysylltiadau gwell mewn cymunedau. Rydym eisiau i fwy o bobl gael eu hysbrydoli i ddatblygu eu sgiliau; ar gyfer eu hiechyd, ar gyfer eu teuluoedd, ar gyfer cyflogaeth a chymunedau cryfach.

Defnyddiwch Wythnos Addysg Oedolion i hyrwyddo’r hyn yr ydych yn ei wneud, i arbrofi gyda ffyrdd newydd o weithio, i lansio gweithgaredd newydd, i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd newydd, i gael hwyl ac ysgogi brwdfrydedd am addysg oedolion a theuluoedd.

Byddwn yn hyrwyddo sesiynau blasu a digwyddiadau hyrwyddo trwy gydol mis Mehefin 2020.

Ydych chi’n bwriadu:



  • Arddangos eich darpariaeth bresennol ar gyfer oedolion a’r llwybrau sydd ar gael iddynt ail-hyfforddi a datblygu sgiliau newydd.  


  • Achub ar y cyfle i amlygu beth arall y gellir ei wneud i wella mynediad at ddysgu a sgiliau ar gyfer oedolion. Beth yw’r rhwystrau a beth sydd angen newid?

  • Dathlu’r oedolion sy’n defnyddio eich darpariaeth:  defnyddio astudiaethau achos bywyd go iawn dysgwyr sydd wedi trawsnewid eu bywydau trwy eu gwaith caled a chyda chefnogaeth eich staff addysgu a chymorth.

  • Enwebu eich dysgwyr anhygoel a’ch darpariaeth ragorol am Wobr Ysbrydoli!. Mae’r seremoni, a gynhelir ym mis Mehefin, yn uchafbwynt i’r flwyddyn ac yn ddathliad gofalgar o effaith addysg oedolion a’r bywydau y mae’r darparwyr yn helpu i’w trawsnewid.
Mae’r ymgyrch yn fantell i hybu a dathlu dysgu gydol oes ffurfiol ac anffurfiol a hoffem i chi fod yn rhan ohono.
Adult Learners’ Week
22-28 June 2020
We want everyone to realise their ambitions and potential in learning, work and throughout life. Promoting learning and skills is a crucial part of the work we do with partners and stakeholders across Wales.

Adult Learners’ Week 22-28 June 2020
Opening doors to lifelong learning
We want to work with stakeholders and adult learning providers across Wales to create festival outreach events and promotional activity to give people the chance to try new skills, to find out about courses, where to go to get advice and support and make better connections in communities. We want more people to be inspired to develop their skills; for their health, for their families, for employment and for stronger communities.
Please use Adult Learners’ Week to promote what you do, test new ways of working, launch new activity, reach new audiences, have fun and bang the drum for adult and family learning.

We’ll promote tasters and promotional events across the whole of June 2020.

Are you planning to:

  • Showcase your existing provision for adults and the pathways available to them to re-train and develop new skills.  

  • Take the opportunity to highlight what more could be done to improve access to learning and skills for adults. What are the barriers and what needs to change?

  • Celebrate the adults who do access your provision:  use real life case studies of learners that have seen their lives transformed through their hard work and with the support of your teaching and support staff.

  • Nominate your incredible learners and your excellent provision for an Inspire! Award. The ceremony, to be held in June, is a show piece event of the year and a loving celebration of the impact of adult learning and the lives that providers are helping to transform.


The campaign provides an umbrella to promote and celebrate formal and informal lifelong learning and we’d like you to be part of it.
Cronfa Grant Wythnos Addysg Oedolion 
Rydym wedi creu’r Gronfa Grant i roi cymorth i sefydliadau a phartneriaethau lle gallai ychydig gyllid ychwanegol wneud gwahaniaeth mawr! Rydym yn ddiolchgar i’r holl bartneriaid sydd yn cefnogi’r ymgyrch gyda digwyddiadau arbennig ac allgymorth, gan ddefnyddio eich cyllidebau, adnoddau a noddwyr presennol.
Mae’r Gronfa Grant ar gael ar gyfer sefydliadau sydd eisiau cyflwyno digwyddiadau allgymorth ar gyfer Wythnos Addysg Oedolion a thrwy gydol mis Mehefin 2020.
Rydym yn chwilio am weithgareddau sydd yn greadigol, yn gallu cyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd newydd ac sydd â’r potensial i ennyn diddordeb y cyfryngau. Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau lle gellir dangos partneriaeth a chydweithredu yn benodol er mwyn sicrhau bod gweithgareddau dysgu lleol yn gysylltiedig.

Dyddiad Cau 28 Chwefror 2020

Lawrlwythwch y dogfennau isod i gyflwyno eich cais:

Lledaenwch y wybodaeth hon i’ch rhanddeiliaid, rhwydweithiau, tiwtoriaid a dysgwyr a dechreuwch y sgwrs am yr hyn y byddwch yn ei wneud ar gyfer Wythnos Addysg Oedolion 2020.

Gwobrau i Bawb

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cyllid grant, efallai fydd gennych ddiddordeb yn edrych ar 
Arian i Bawb Cymru hefyd.

Adult Learners’ Week Grant Fund
We’ve created the Grant Fund to provide some assistance for organisations and partnerships where a little extra funding could make a big difference! We are grateful for all partners who support the campaign with special events and outreach, using your existing budgets, resources and sponsors.

The Grant Fund is available for organisations who want to deliver outreach events for Adult Learners’ Week and throughout the month of June 2020.

We are looking for activities which are creative, can reach new audiences and have the potential to gain media interest. We particularly welcome applications where there is a strong demonstration of partnership and collaboration to ensure that local learning activity is connected.

Applications close 28 February 2020

Download the documents below to submit your application:

Please cascade this information to your stakeholders, networks, tutors and learners and start the conversation about what you’ll be doing for Adult Learners’ Week 2020.

Awards for All

If you are interested in grant funding you might also be interested in checking out Awards for All Wales.

Gwobrau Addysg Oedolion Ysbrydoli!
Dyddiad cau: 31 Ionawr 2020

Rhannwch eich straeon!

Mae gennych hyd at ddiwedd mis Ionawr i enwebu eich dysgwyr anhygoel a’ch darpariaeth ragorol am Wobr Ysbrydoli!. Mae’r seremoni, a gynhelir ym mis Mehefin, yn uchafbwynt i’r flwyddyn ac yn ddathliad gofalgar o effaith addysg oedolion a’r bywydau y mae darparwyr yn helpu i’w trawsnewid.  

Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle – rhannwch eich straeon a dangoswch sut mae dysgu yn newid bywydau ac yn agor drysau.  Hoffem glywed am bobl, cymunedau, ysgolion a gweithleoedd ar hyd a lled Cymru.

Lawrlwythwch y dogfennau isod i gyflwyno eich ceisiadau ar gyfer y gwobrau:

Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar 
ein gwefan.
Rhannwch y wybodaeth hon gyda’ch rhwydweithiau, tiwtoriaid a dysgwyr er mwyn annog ceisiadau.

Gallwch lawrlwytho copi o’n taflen Gwobrau Ysbrydoli! a lledaenu’r neges trwy lwyfannau eich cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu rannu’r ffilm hyrwyddo yma ar-lein.

Defnyddiwch hashnod y gwobrau: #YsbrydoliCymru20 a soniwch amdanom ar: @LearnWorkCymru

Rydym hefyd ar Facebook ac Instagram.


Dewch i ni wneud 2020 yn ddathliad rhagorol o ddysgu gydol oes yng Nghymru.
Inspire! Adult Learning Awards
Closing date: 31 January 2020

Share your stories!

You have until the end of January to nominate your incredible learners and your excellent provision for anInspire! Award.  The ceremony, to be held in June, is a show piece event of the year and a loving celebration of the impact of adult learning and the lives that providers are helping to transform.  

Don’t miss out – share your stories and demonstrate how learning changes lives and open doors, 
we’d like to hear about people, communities, schools and workplaces from across Wales.

Download the documents below to submit your entries for the awards:

More information can be found on our website.

Please share this information with your networks, tutors and learners to encourage entries.

You can download a copy of our Inspire! Awards flyer and spread the message through your social media platforms or share thispromotional film online.

Use the awards hashtag: #InspireCymru20 and mention us on the handle: 

We are also on Facebook and Instagram.

Let’s make 2020 a fantastic celebration of lifelong learning in Wales.

Mae Gwobrau Ysbrydoli! Addysg Oedolion a’r Wythnos Addysg Oedolion yn ymgyrch partneriaeth a gefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Diolch i’n partneriaid y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru, Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol ac Agored Cymru am eu cefnogaeth barhaus ac am noddi gwobrau eleni.

Cysylltwch â ni os gwelwch yn dda i gael pecyn nawdd os hoffech noddi Gwobrau Ysbrydoli!
The Inspire! Adult Learning Awards and Adult Learners’ Week is a partnership campaign supported by the Welsh Government.  
Thank you to our partners The Open University in Wales, National Centre for Learning Welsh and Agored Cymru for their continued support and for sponsoring this year’s awards
If you would like to sponsor the Inspire! Awards, please do get in touch for a sponsorship pack.
Cysylltu L&W Caerlŷr (+44) 0116 204 4200 | Llundain (+44) 020 7582 7221 | Caerdydd (+44) 0292 037 0900
Contact L&W Leicester (+44) 0116 204 4200 | London (+44) 020 7582 7221 | Cardiff (+44) 0292 037 0900
Sefydliad Dysgu a Gwaith
Learning and Work Institute Wales
Cwmni cyfyngedig trwy warant Rhif cofrestu 2063322 Rhif cofrestru elusen 1002775
A company limited by guarantee registered no. 2603322 and registered charity no. 1002775
Cyfeiriad cofrestredig: 4th Floor, Arnhem House, 31 Waterloo Way, Caerlŷr, LE1 6LP
Registered address: 4th Floor, Arnhem House, 31 Waterloo Way, Leicester, LE1 6LP
Booking Now Open! Adult Social Services Strategy Engagement event – 16 January 2020
St Illtyds cluster Cardiff Commitment Open your Eyes Careers Week Advice for Speakers

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C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff to follow discussions on various social and or business topics, get support to run or start a project, Community Interest group or charity, find funding, share documents and photos, follow and meet new friends, find jobs and volunteering opportunities, find, rate and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

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noun Community 1852937

C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff. Register now to share your views, contribute to your community and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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