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NHS Wales Aspiring Board Members Programme

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Cyflwyno Rhaglen Darpar Aelodau’r Bwrdd

Manteisiwch ar y cyfle hwn i lunio dyfodol GIG Cymru a chael effaith arwyddocaol. Gwnewch gais ar gyfer Rhaglen Darpar Aelodau’r Bwrdd!

Ydych chi’n unigolyn talentog o gefndir Du, Asiaidd neu leiafrifoedd ethnig (gan gynnwys Sipsiwn, Roma, a Theithwyr) sydd â diddordeb mewn gwneud gwahaniaeth yn y sector iechyd yng Nghymru? Mae’r Rhaglen Darpar Aelodau’r Bwrdd yma i’ch helpu i ddod yn ‘fwrdd-barod’ ar gyfer rolau Aelod Annibynnol o’r Bwrdd o fewn GIG Cymru. Mae’r rhaglen yn cael ei chyflwyno mewn partneriaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru, GIG Cymru, ac Academi Cymru, ac mae’n ymrwymiad allweddol i Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Gwrth-hiliol.

Mae’r Rhaglen Darpar Aelodau’r Bwrdd yn fenter datblygu arweinyddiaeth gynhwysfawr 12 mis a fydd yn cynnwys:

Digwyddiadau Dysgu: Canolbwyntio ar adeiladu eich gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a hyder i ragori fel Aelod Bwrdd.

Lleoliadau Bwrdd: Ennill profiad ymarferol gyda bwrdd cynnal, gyda chefnogaeth noddwr sy’n aelod presennol o’r bwrdd.

Hyfforddiant Arweinyddiaeth Annibynnol: Hyfforddi wedi’i bersonoli i wella’ch sgiliau arwain a’ch datblygiad proffesiynol.


Bydd cyfranogwyr y rhaglen yn datblygu eu sgiliau arwain, yn dysgu gan aelodau profiadol o’r bwrdd, yn dod i gysylltiad â gweithrediadau ar lefel bwrdd, yn deall llywodraethu Byrddau GIG Cymru, ac yn gwella eu gallu i ddangos eu haddasrwydd ar gyfer penodiadau cyhoeddus. Yn ogystal, byddant yn adeiladu rhwydweithiau proffesiynol ac yn tyfu eu henw da. Nid oes angen profiad yn y sector iechyd i wneud cais.

Dysgwch fwy yma am sut i wneud cais. Cymerwch y cam nesaf ar eich taith arweinyddiaeth a chael effaith arwyddocaol yn y sector iechyd yng Nghymru!


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Introducing the Aspiring Board Members Programme

Take this opportunity to shape the future of NHS Wales and make a meaningful impact. Apply for the Aspiring Board Members Programme!

Are you a talented individual from a Black, Asian, or minority ethnic background (including Gypsy, Roma, and Travellers) interested in making a difference in the health sector in Wales? The Aspiring Board Members Programme is here to help you become ‘board ready’ for Independent Board Member roles within NHS Wales. The programme is being delivered in partnership by Welsh Government, NHS Wales, and Academi Wales, and is a key commitment of the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan.

The Aspiring Board Members Programme is a comprehensive 12-month leadership development initiative which will include:

Learning Events: Focused on building your knowledge, understanding, and confidence to excel as a Board Member.

Board Placements: Gain hands-on experience with a host board, supported by a sponsor who is an existing board member.

Independent Leadership Coaching: Personalized coaching to enhance your leadership skills and professional development.

Programme participants will develop their leadership skills, learn from experienced board members, gain exposure to board-level operations, understand the governance of NHS Wales Boards, and improve their ability to demonstrate their suitability for public appointments. Additionally, they will build professional networks and grow their reputation. Experience in the health sector is not required to apply.

Learn more here about how to apply. Take the next step in your leadership journey and make a meaningful impact in the health sector in Wales!


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Tags: board members, leadership, NHS Wales, programme
RSPB Nature Prescriptions, Cardiff – co-design invitation information
Age Cymru toolkit created to support the wellbeing of older care home residents

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