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Life after EU Membership – What next for the third sector in Wales and in the UK?

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On 1 January 2021 the transition period which had been in place since the UK withdrew from the EU on 31 January 2020 ended. The process culminated in the negotiation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement which together with the Withdrawal Agreement provides a starting point for a new relationship between the UK and EU. As the dust settles, we are beginning to see information which will help us start to understand what our future relationships with Europe could look like, what impact leaving the European Union could have on the third sector, the way we work and everyday life and what structures could be put in place to replace those we have previously engaged with.

WCVA is hosting two online events in April to provide an update on what has happened since our formal departure from the European Union. The sessions will also provide an opportunity for organisations to discuss what specific areas are important to them following our withdrawal and how the sector can position itself to influence and engage with relevant structures and institutions positively in the future.

Wales-wide event – 14 April, 10:00-12:30
On 14 April the Wales Civil Society Forum on Brexit and WCVA will co-host a roundtable discussion for Welsh third sector organisations.
Register and find out more here.

UK-wide event – 23 April, 10:00-12:30
On 23 April WCVA will co-host a session with our sister councils SCVO, NICVA and NCVO, to provide an update on recent developments from each nations and to have a discussion with stakeholders from across the UK.
Register and find out more here.

You are welcome to join both sessions. If you have any questions about the events, please get in touch on

Tags: Brexit, EU Membership, NCVO, NICVA, Third Sector, WCVA
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