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Food Cardiff Survey

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The Food Cardiff Survey deadline has now been extended until further notice.This is now an open survey extended to all local third sector organisations and groups, old and new.

Food Cardiff is a food movement born after the city became part of the Sustainable Cities Network, a Network of cities across the UK that believes food can change the way we live for the better.

As part of Food Cardiff, people and organizations- from schools to restaurants to local charities and the Council- are working together to put healthy and sustainable food at the city’s heart. 

They work across six key areas as part of the Sustainable Food Cities program:

  1. Promoting healthy and sustainable food to the public
  2. Tackling food poverty, diet-related ill health and access to affordable healthy food
  3. Building community food knowledge, skills, resources and projects
  4. Promoting a vibrant and diverse sustainable food economy
  5. Transforming catering and food procurement
  6. Reducing waste and the ecological footprint of the food system

There is already lots going on in Cardiff to increase access to affordable, healthy and sustainable food, such food banks, community growing gardens, food coops, lunch clubs, cooking session,  breakfast clubs or coffe schops to name a few . Many of this ventures are run by voluntary groups and third sector organisations, either as a standalone initiative or as part of a bigger project. 

As an organization or group, you might be already committed to make a positive impact on health and the environment, or perhaps you need some help to get started. In any case Food Cardiff would like to hear from you, they can help you make informed decisions about food, as well as providing advice and support. 

By completing this short Survey Food Cardiff survey you are helping Food Cardiff draw a more realistic picture of the food scene in the City and better understand the role of the Third Sector in delivering food related initiatives. The results will connect food related activities delivered across the City and support new ones. Please take a couple of minutes to complete it and join the movement committed to tackle food related problems such as obesity and food waste.

For more information or join the movement visit Food Cardiffwebsite

gofod3 is open for registration
Registration form Ffurflen Cofrestru (1)

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Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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