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Bawso’s Older People’s Conference

30th January 2015

BAWSO’s Older People’s conference is being held in Cardiff on 30th January 2015.

The BME Older People’s project, which is funded by the Welsh Government, was set up in Cardiff in 2012 to provide optimal support and advocacy to BME older people in the community. The project also aims to improve the lives of BME older people by identifying their needs and providing effective solutions to meet them.

The conference aims to create a platform for BME older people to interact with service providers and stakeholders within the community to discuss the various issues affecting them. It shall also provide an opportunity for service providers and stakeholders to raise awareness of initiatives to address issues that affect the physical, social and psychological wellbeing of BME older people. 

For additional information on the conference, please contact Jamad or Rama on [email protected] or [email protected] or call 029 2049 3351.

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30th January 2015
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Culture and Media Centre (CMC) Loudoun Square Butetown, Cardiff CF10 5HW
Culture and Media Centre (CMC) Loudoun Square Butetown, Cardiff CF10 5HW+ Google Map
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