We hope you’ve been keeping well.
As you may know, WCVA is the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales.
WCVA is dedicating all of October to the amazing work of voluntary organisations and volunteers across Wales with our exciting #NotTheWelshCharityAwards campaign.
This will be in place of our annual Welsh Charity Awards which are the main national awards for voluntary organisations in Wales. The awards aim to celebrate, raise the profile and highlight the incredible importance of the voluntary sector in Wales. Sponsored by Class Networks last year – we have sadly have taken the decision to cancel this year due to the pandemic.
Instead, WCVA is looking for 1 minute videos from individuals explaining how a charity or volunteer has helped them. We’ll be sharing your videos using the hashtag #NotTheWelshCharityAwards throughout October, and the sooner you submit, the sooner we can tell the world about your chosen ‘nominee’ and get singing their praises.
Our #NotTheWelshCharityAwards campaign will feature examples of voluntary organisations’ brilliant work throughout 2020. Please ask your followers to share videos or experiences using the hashtag #NotTheWelshCharityAwards.
For more information or to get involved with a submission yourselves you can visit our website.
We have also attached a campaign pack to this email for you to share throughout your networks – the more involvement we get, the more we can continue to highlight the amazing work of the sector across Wales!
We hope you take part and are looking forward to celebrating the sector with you!
Best wishes,
The WCVA Team