29th June 2021Mike Brown: Volunteering-Wales Community Tasks volunteerUnder the COVID19 lockdown, my RNIB volunteer work came temporarily to a halt and I wanted to help in whatever…
2nd June 2021Invitation: Young People’s (Age 16-24) Consultation on the Welsh Government’s draft Race Equality Action PlanThe Welsh Government has proposed a vision for an anti-racist Wales which includes many actions to improve racial equality in…
2nd June 2021#VolunteersWeek Day 2 – Youth VolunteeringYoung people have a huge impact on their communities. Today – in partnership with the #iWill campaign – we are…
1st June 2021#VolunteersWeek Day 1 – LaunchWhat a year it has been! Volunteers across the nation have come together to keep our communities safe, looked after…
27th May 2021Food Poverty Grant 2021/22Food Poverty Grant 2021-22 COVID-19 has further highlighted the extent to which food poverty is a major issue on a…
24th May 2021Meet the Funder Event- Tuesday 8th June 2021C3SC is hosting this online workshop in partnership with Lloyds Bank Foundation. Rachel Marshall, Wales Manager will be explaining the…
21st April 2021Strong Welsh CommunitiesIn the run-up to the Senedd elections in May, we’re campaigning for the next Welsh Government to give communities: More…
17th March 2021The Resilience ProjectThe Resilience project, a pioneering project to support the mental health of children and young people, who may have suffered…
8th February 2021COVID Realities: New research working in partnership with parents and carers living on a low incomeDo you work with parents and carers living on a low income? If so, help us spread the word* about new…
Views sought on a national vision for children and young people with a learning disability17th July 2024