Women Chat has been on quite a journey since first contacting C3SC! We have provided them with practical support to become constituted, signposting to grant schemes including The National Lottery Awards for All, and working with their Grants Officer to plan and apply for funding. We were delighted to hear that in June 2023, the tireless efforts paid off as Women Chat learned that their bid had been successful.
Over time the Group developed and by the summer of 2021, they were ready to run as a small charity looking to overcome linguistic, cultural and practical barriers.
The Group – who primarily support parents from ethnically diverse communities through befriending and other help to build their confidence and access services, and provide a safe space for women – were finding challenges with growing sustainably and accessing funding.
The Group worked with our Third Sector Development Officers – Thoria and Thomas – to develop their plans, to find funding and to submit a bid. After receiving the happy news about their funding they told us, “…this has been possible with the help of the team at C3SC without whom we would not have understood how to apply for funding. We were guided through the entire process by Thomas. A positive impact is felt by all women within the community that attend”.
Women Chat has gone on to develop a STEM project to help people in the local community with study, revision, plan how to achieve their potential and move into taking A levels or apply for University places.
It’s great to hear how the community at Women Chat is growing, and we look forward to doing what we can to help in the next stages of their development!
You can get in touch with Women Chat at [email protected]
Need support with securing funding? Get in touch with us on [email protected]. Our officers’ contact details can also be found here.