Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) is in the process of looking at how it should deliver local health care in the future and, in particular, how it can work with its partner organisations to deliver more community based and integrated health and wellbeing services for the local population. Key to this process is the identification of a baseline of current services, which can form the basis for discussions around potential opportunities for closer working and how community infrastructure can be used to deliver more co-ordinated services.
In support of this, C3SC has been asked to collect details of all health and wellbeing related third sector services across Cardiff as part of this initial stage of service planning being undertaken by Cardiff and Vale UHB. This information, along with data from within health organisations (GPs, dentists, pharmacies, as well as within the UHB), will provide the most up-to-date representation of health and wellbeing services across Cardiff.
At C3SC we are also aware that third sector organisations are experiencing acute financial pressures within their services, and specifically the costs of delivering these from existing buildings. We therefore wanted to use this opportunity to ask a few additional questions so we are aware of the scale of this in Cardiff. This information will not be shared with Cardiff and Vale UHB without your prior consent.
All personal information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Information will be kept in a secure manner and will not be passed on to a third party without prior consent being sought.
We know you are all very busy and so have tried to make the survey short and quick to complete. It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for submission is the 4 September 2015.
You can access the online survey here.