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Cardiff Community Safety Partnership Conference

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(Via Cardiff Council) 

Cardiff Community Safety Partnership Conference

The Cardiff Community Safety Partnership is holding a half day conference on Thursday the 19 September 2019 in City Hall Cardiff and would like to invite you to the event. 

The Conference will open with a number of keynote speakers followed by workshops around the Partnership’s priorities:

  • City Centre and Street Sleepers
  • County Lines and Exploitation of the Vulnerable
  • Prevent and CONTEST
  • Area Based Working (geographical)

Partners recognise the key role the third sector play, and would therefore welcome your attendance and input into the event.  The workshops will provide an opportunity for your organisation to hear about what’s already in place under the four priorities above, and to invite your views on how partners can work better with you; how you can work with us; and ideas on how we can improve working relationships going forward.  The output from the conference will be fed back to the Community Safety Partnership Boards and an implementation plan put in place.  All attendees will be kept updated of progress. 

We are also offering Information Stands to any organisation taking part in the event – the aim is to publicise the work of the organisation, and to network with the wide range of attendees already confirmed.  This is free, but offered on a first come, first serve basis. 

Please could you contact Clive Bailey at or on 029 2087 3739 to confirm your interest in attending and/or whether you would like to have an Information Stand at the event.  Clive will then send you a diary invite and request your Workshop Preference and any specific requirements you may have.  Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

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Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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