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Cardiff City Hospice – Charity Shop Volunteer Opportunity

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Cardiff’s City Hospice operates several charity shops throughout the city, which are an important part of their work in the Cardiff community. They help the Hospice to not only raise funds, but also awareness for the work carried out by the team. The stores feature clothing, accessories, crafts and homewares.

City Hospice is currently looking for enthusiastic and committed shop volunteers! Can you help?

These volunteer roles are flexible, with some of the City Hospice volunteers supporting for them for 4 hours a week, and others for 25 hours a week! Any amount of time you can donate provides much needed support to City Hospice’s work. As Cardiff’s local hospice, your volunteerism means the organisation can ensure those in their care can live the rest of their lives to the fullest.

City Hospice are asking for a minimum commitment from all their volunteers of one shift per week. Shifts are available between Monday to Saturday and are either between 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm.

You can apply for these opportunities by visiting: Profile page (

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