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Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Assembly taking place on October 2nd 2024

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Thanks to the support of Cardiff Third Sector Council, Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board and Llais, VOICES ADFOCAD will be hosting the second annual Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Assembly at Sophia Gardens Cricket Ground on October 2nd 2024.

This year we plan to change the format of the Assembly to allow the VOICES of unpaid carers to come through more and we plan to hold workshops with various organisations to allow that to happen.

As with last year’s assembly we have dedicated much of the day and most of the available spaces to Unpaid Carers from across the region, so if you would like to attend, please complete the below registration of interest form and we’ll see you there.


For more information please click the links below:

Assembly flyer ENG.png

Assembly Flyer CYM.png

Tags: assembly, event, Unpaid Carers, Voices Adfocad
Have Your Say! Direct Payments and Continuing Health Care in Wales
LGBTQ+ Unpaid Carers Forum

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