In December 2022, as C3SC’s Community Renewal Fund project was drawing to a close, we offered opportunities to support member groups and organisations to enable people who are on lower incomes or are further from the labour market to access a range of training and support options to enhance their chances of gaining and progressing in employment or build local businesses.
With a wide remit for project activities, the successful applicants chose to address employability inequity through a variety of formats – from expressions of voice in media, to financial literacy. We are pleased to share excerpts from the project’s case studies, providing a window into the impact that small grants can have in communities.
A project carried out by South Wales Training and Education Programme entitled ‘First Steps’ worked with two groups of students – aged 14 to 16 – to develop skills in podcasting and photography. These skills were paired with targeted workshops on antiracist behavior that was examined within the context of British media.
The project lead provided feedback on the project, stating: “the research, discussions, and arguments were all student-led. After a few questions, the students really embraced their independence and flourished. Their ideas and arguments were really creative and powerful.”
Other projects included courses on household budgeting and money management at South Riverside Community Development Centre, as well as self-employment craft classes delivered to a group of refugee women.
To learn more about current funding opportunities please visit our website page here.