Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Supporting mothers to return to physical activity after childbirth online event

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The Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR) is organising a Lunch Byte event on Friday 19th May from 12:30-13:10 on the subject of  Supporting mothers to return to physical activity after childbirth. The event will be hosted by Dr Izzy Moore (Cardiff Metropolitan Universityand Gráinne Donnelly (Absolute Physio).

This session will be a conversation with Dr Izzy Moore and Gráinne Donnelly on their research that explored the biopsychosocial factors that contribute to return to physical activity and sport after pregnancy. Dr Izzy Moore is a Reader in Human Movement and Sports Medicine at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on female athlete health, sports injury epidemiology and lower limb rehabilitation. She is currently developing injury prevention strategies for women’s rugby and informing clinical guidance for postpartum return to sport. Gráinne Donnelly [BSc(Hons) MSc] is an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist in pelvic health, educator and the Editor of the Journal of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy. Her research focuses on postpartum physical activity and return to sport and her doctoral studies aim to investigate the impact of compression garments and education on returning to running postpartum.

To sign up to this event follow this Eventbrite link:

For more information about CAWR follow the link here:

Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR).

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