Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC) have commissioned Richard Newton Consulting to support the development of a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Strategy which is to be co-produced with involvement from the breadth of the sector operating in Cardiff. The Strategy is intended to strengthen the role of the VCSE sector in the provision of solutions to the City’s challenges and support future discussions about how and why the public sector should work with and invest in the sector.
We want the strategy to be owned by Cardiff’s voluntary sector, and ensure that all voluntary sector organisations (including unregistered groups, social enterprises, CIOs, CICs, charities and other relevant groups) have full opportunity to participate.
To view the Draft Strategy Synopsis for you to read and feedback on, click here.
To feedback on the strategy please see our feedback form here.
We’d like to invite you to attend a focus group to further discuss a draft VCSE Strategy Framework for Cardiff. The focus groups are available to book via EventBrite and we would be delighted if you or one of your colleagues could attend:
- Monday 23rd May 12:00 – 13:30 – Via Zoom
- Tuesday 24th May 11:00 – 12:30 – South Riverside Community Development Centre
- Tuesday 24th May 15:00 – 16:30 – Cathays and Central Youth and Community Project
- Wednesday 25th May 18:00 – 19:30 – Via Zoom
- Saturday 28th May 10:00 -11:30 – Via Zoom
- Tuesday 31st May 10:30 – 12:00 – Via Zoom
- Friday 10th June 10:30-12:00 = Butetown community Centre
If you are unable to attend we would be happy to enter into one-to-one structured conversations in order to explore in more detail any thoughts you have. Please contact to arrange a conversation.
While volunteers may work for free this doesn’t mean their time doesn’t have a value. In return for your time we’d like to offer participants in our focus groups the opportunity to come along to a free fundraising workshop/Q&A with our team of expert fundraisers to help support your organisation in reaching its goals. The workshop will be held via Zoom. We’ll give you details of the workshop at the focus group.
Cardiff Third Sector Council has commissioned Richard Newton Consulting to support the development of a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Strategy which is to be co-produced with involvement from the breadth of the sector operating in Cardiff. The Strategy is intended to strengthen the role of the VCSE sector in the provision of solutions to the City’s challenges and support future discussions about how and why the public sector should work with and invest in the sector.We want the strategy to be owned by Cardiff’s voluntary sector, and ensure that all voluntary sector organisations (including unregistered groups, social enterprises, CIOs, CICs, charities and other relevant groups) have full opportunity to participate.
Further information and updates can also be found here.