The County Council of the City and County of Cardiff under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 is required to produce a Local Development Plan (LDP). The LDP will, upon adoption, replace the current development plan and form the basis for decisions on land use planning for Cardiff.
The Cardiff LDP is currently undergoing Examination and the Council is now consulting on a number of proposed changes that have emerged as a result of Matters Arising during Hearing Sessions 1-19 of the Examination. These proposed Matters Arising Changes (MACs) are now the subject of public consultation. The formal consultation period is from 11th June 2015 to 23rd July 2015.
The proposed changes relate to elements of the LDP written statement and the proposals map and are set out in the Matters Arising Changes Schedule. Copies of the Schedule, together with related updates of the Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment) and Habitats Regulation Assessment documents are available for public inspection at the Council’s Strategic Planning Offices, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, and at City Hall, Cathays Park, Cardiff; Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 4.00pm.
Copies of the above documents (along with a representation form) are available to view and download from the Council’s website at . Copies are also available for public inspection, at all public libraries in the city during their normal opening hours.
Representations (including support and objections) should be sent to or LDP Team, Room 131, City Hall, Cardiff CF10 3ND by no later than midnight on 23rd July 2015.
Representations (including support and objections) must relate only to Matters Arising Changes. They should not propose further changes to the original Deposit LDP or new sites. Any such representations will be disregarded as they should have been made during earlier stages of plan preparation. Representations will then be forwarded for consideration by the Inspectors appointed to examine the soundness of the plan. Please note that all responses will be available for public inspection and cannot be treated as confidential.
For queries relating to the Examination please contact the Programme Officer Tracey Smith on 029 2087 1360 or email