Support For Families, Children & Vulnerable Adults

Do the COVID-19 restrictions currently in place affect the physical functioning of older people?

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Er gwybodaeth/ For Information


Ar hyn o bryd (mis Mehefin 2020) mae Coronafeirws (COVID-19) yn effeithio ar fywyd bob dydd llawer o bobl, ac yn arbennig y rhai sydd dros 70 oed. Mae pawb yn teimlo effaith COVID-19, nid yn unig y rhai sy’n cael yr haint. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn canolbwyntio ar bobl hŷn sydd wedi gorfod newid eu ffordd o fyw (ac nid ar yr unigolion sydd wedi cael yr haint).

Rydym ni eisiau gweld sut mae’r newid yng ngweithgareddau dyddiol pobl yn effeithio ar berfformiad y gweithgareddau hyn, megis cyflymder cerdded, cryfder a thasgau eraill bob dydd. Os ydych chi dros 60 oed, byddwch yn monitro eich hun dros gyfnod pandemig COVID-19 a gweld os/sut y bydd eich perfformiad yn newid dros amser.

Os byddwch yn penderfynu cymryd rhan, byddwch yn cael y cyfle i hunanasesu a monitro lefel eich gweithgaredd, lles, perfformiad wrth gerdded, cryfder a thasgau cysylltiedig eraill. Hoffem ddiolch i unrhyw un sy’n penderfynu cymryd rhan. Byddwch yn cyfrannu at ymchwil sy’n ceisio canfod effaith y pandemig ar bobl hŷn nad ydynt wedi dal haint COVID-19.

I gael mwy o wybodaeth ewch


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently (June 2020) affecting the daily lives of many people, and in particular those over the age of 70. The impact of COVID-19 is affecting everyone, and not just those infected; This project is focussing on older people who have had to change their lifestyle (and not on the individuals that have been infected).

We want to see how the change in daily activities impact on the performance of these activities, such as walking speed, strength, and other tasks you commonly do throughout the day. If you are over the age of 60, you would monitor yourself for the period of the COVID-19 outbreak and see if/how your performance will change over time.

If you decide to take part, you will be provided with the opportunity to self-assess and monitor your level of activity, well-being, walking performance, strength, and other related tasks. We would like to thank anyone that decides to take part. You will contribute to research aimed at finding out how the pandemic impacts older people who have not been infected with COVID- 19.

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