Engaging diverse citizens in co-producing well-being
Diverse Cymru and C3SC have just launched a new project aimed at improving understanding amongst diverse communities of how Government works and how you can get involved.
If you didn’t attend one of our launch events you can still register your interest and get involved in the project at any stage.
You’re welcome to come to every monthly event in your area or just some of them.
The project is aimed at all diverse individuals and community organisations representing diverse individuals or communities.
This includes :
- Black and Minority Ethnic people
- Disabled people
- Trans* people
- Older people (50+)
- Lesbian, gay and bisexual people
- People of different faiths, and
- Carers
January events
Get to know how to get involved and have your say
These events in both Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan are about us providing information and answering your questions on:
- How Government and the public sector works
- What the Well-being of Future Generations Act is and how it involves you
- How you can get involved and influence the public sector locally.
After the information session we’ll be asking you what barriers you’ve faced to getting involved as diverse people and your solutions.
Friday 26 January 2018,
Registration from 9.45 am. Start: 10.00 am. End: 1.00 pm.
Vale of Glamorgan
Wednesday 31 January 2018,
Registration from 9.45 am. Start: 10.00 am. End: 1.00 pm.
February events
Public sector involvement opportunities
In February we’ll be bringing people together directly with the local public sector to explore current opportunities for you to get involved and co-produce better involvement of diverse communities.
Monday 12 February 2018
Registration from 9.45 am. Start: 10.00 am. End: 1.00 pm.
From March we’ll be running a series of monthly events moving around the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff. Each local event will explore your experiences of barriers to involvement and develop solutions for better involvement through working directly with public sector organisations.
The project will end with a conference in Cardiff in June sharing solutions with diverse individuals, public sector organisations, and third sector organisations across Wales
We reimburse travel, access, childcare, replacement care and respite costs related to attending.
All events include light refreshments.
Please let us know your dietary, communication, language and access requirements when you register.
To register for any or all events or for more information about the project email: shelagh.maher@diverse.cymru or phone 029 2036 8888 (ext 255)