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Testing for Covid-19 in Cardiff and the Vale Update 

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Testing for Covid-19 in Cardiff and the Vale Update 

Please find updated regional arrangements for testing for Covid-19 by the Cardiff and Vale Covid-19 Incident Management Team.

People who are experiencing one or more of the three cardinal COVID-19 symptoms (new persistent cough, fever and/or loss of taste or smell) must continue to follow Welsh Government guidance on testing and isolation and are required to self-isolate with their household whilst they await a test result.

In addition to this testing is also available for residents who are experiencing a wider range of symptoms such as fatigue, myalgia (muscle ache or pain), a sore throat, a headache, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea.

Residents are asked to consider taking a test if they are experiencing any of these wider symptoms and they are new, persistent and/or unusual symptoms for them.

Individuals who take a test because of these other wider symptoms are not required to isolate while they await their test result. This includes school pupils who can continue to attend schools while they await a test result. However, children and adults with diarrhoea and or vomiting should remain off work or school until they are symptom free for 48 hours even if their Covid-19 test is negative.

If individuals then receive a positive Covid-19 result, they and their household must then isolate. Households must also isolate if anyone develops any of the 3 cardinal Covid-19 symptoms while waiting for a test result taken on wider symptoms to come back.

For more information, please see the attached documents below:


Cardiff and Vale extended testing FAQs 09.04.2021 ENG.pdf
New information about extended symptoms of COVID-19 – Guidance for parents ENG.pdf
Update to Extended Symptom Testing for Covid in Cardiff and the Vale 06.04.20 ENG.pdf


Cardiff and Vale extended testing FAQs 09.04.2021 CYM.pdf

New information about extended symptoms of COVID-19 – Guidance for parents CYM.pdf

Update to Extended Symptom Testing for Covid in Cardiff and the Vale 06.04.20 CYM.pdf


Tags: COVID-19, Health, Symptoms
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