4th November 2024Being a TrusteeAn online training session for new and existing Trustees in Cardiff to learn more about best practice in governance. This…
22nd August 2024Being a TrusteeAn online training session for new and existing Trustees in Cardiff to learn more about best practice in governance. This…
7th August 2024C3SC Trustees Network – August 2024An online event for new and existing trustees in Cardiff to share and learn more about trusteeship, delivered by C3SC.…
26th April 2024Being a Trustee TrainingAn online training session for new and existing Trustees in Cardiff to learn more about best practice in governance. This…
2nd February 2024Being a TrusteeAn online training session for new and existing Trustees in Cardiff to learn more about best practice in governance. This…
19th October 2023Being a TrusteeAn online training session for new and existing Trustees in Cardiff to learn more about best practice in governance This…
6th July 2023Being a Trustee TrainingThis training course will help new and existing Trustees improve their understanding of best practice in governance. The aims…
23rd May 2023C3SC Trustees Network Event – Employment Law & GovernanceWe know that trustees deliver vital leadership roles in charities and not for profit groups across Cardiff. We also know…
16th May 2023Taking Minutes Training CourseTaking minutes training course delivered by C3SC is for Trustees/staff of organisations to improve their understanding of how best to…
16th May 2023Being a TrusteeBeing a Trustee will help new and existing Trustees improve their understanding of best practice in governance. The aims and…