19th July 2024Case Study: From Volunteering to EmploymentHarshdeep Kaur, Chairperson and Panellist of the Cardiff Youth Led Grant Panel, talks about her volunteering experience. The Youth Led…
1st May 2024Supported Employment in Wales eventsInfluencing and Informing Engage to Change has organised three events to look into what is happening with supported employment in…
20th October 2022Wales Citizens’ Panel in Cardiff – Jobs. Pay. Housing. The cost of living.Please see above the details of a Bank Of England Event taking place in Cardiff on 27 October, 5:00pm –…
29th March 2022Applications for the Welsh Government Apprenticeship Scheme 2022 are now open!Applications for the Welsh Government Apprenticeship Schemes are now open. As an apprentice you will earn while you train. You…
23rd March 2022Community Renewal Fund – Employer Needs, Future Workers!Are you aged 16 and over, unemployed and looking for work or paid employment? Need help with CV writing, skills…
23rd March 2022Active Inclusion – Volunteering to IncludeAre you aged 25 or over and from a Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic background? Are you unemployed and looking…
A Thriving Third Sector in Cardiff: The Case for a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Strategy16th December 2021