5th December 2024Free training currently available from Cardiff Council Free Training for Third Sector Staff, Volunteers, and Carers Cardiff Council is offering free training to third sector staff, volunteers,…
5th September 2024Taking MinutesAn online training session for trustees/staff of organisations to learn more about taking minutes during meetings, delivered by C3SC. Do…
4th September 2024Get Cooking courses available in Cardiff and the ValeFree 8-Week “Get Cooking” Course Cardiff and Vale are offering free Get Cooking courses to help improve cooking skills and healthy eating…
13th February 2024Clwb Cwtsh: Free Online 8 Week Welsh CoursesClwb Cwtsh is a short, fully funded informal 7 or 8-week Welsh taster programme focussed on speaking Welsh with young…
19th January 2022WCVA – Co-Production FoundationAim The session will give participants the knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence necessary to implement co-production successfully. Small group discussions…