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Please see announcement below from the Welsh Government:


Today, we’re announcing a £5m Summer of Fun for children and young people aged 0-25 to play and participate in leisure, recreational, sporting and cultural activities to help rebuild their social and emotional skills in both Welsh and English.  Access to activities such as these is critical in the recovery of Covid-19 and will support the social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing of all children and young people, and that in turn is integral to supporting them in reengaging with learning and education, enabling all children and young people to reach their full potential.
As a Welsh Government stakeholder, we’d appreciate your support in sharing this announcement (see below) with your communities and networks.
You’ll find all our social media messages @WG_Communities including the Minister for Social Justice launching the Summer of Fun, Deputy Minister for Social Services’ personal message and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales message of support.
Thank you to the Vale of Glamorgan local authority for hosting our launch and to all local authorities who are taking on the task of organising the Summer of Fun.
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