Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Suicide and Self Harm Training Needs Survey

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The SSHP programme has launched a learning and development needs survey for suicide and self harm prevention, running from 12th June until 24th July. The survey can be found here: suicide and self harm training needs survey

This survey is aimed at anyone working in any sector, whose work brings them into contact with people affected by suicide and self harm. The information collected will inform the future development of training and learning offers. The survey is anonymous and will not require any personal information.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the team.  [email protected]

Mae’r rhaglen SSHP wedi lansio arolwg anghenion dysgu a datblygu ar gyfer atal hunanladdiad a hunan-niwed, yn rhedeg o 12 Mehefin hyd 24 Gorffennaf. Gellir dod o hyd i’r arolwg yma: arolwg anghenion hyfforddiant hunanladdiad a hunan-niwed 

Mae’r arolwg hwn wedi’i anelu at unrhyw un sy’n gweithio mewn unrhyw sector, y mae eu gwaith yn dod â nhw i gysylltiad â phobl yr effeithir arnynt gan hunanladdiad a hunan-niwed. Bydd y wybodaeth a gesglir yn llywio datblygiad cynigion hyfforddi a dysgu yn y dyfodol. Mae’r arolwg yn ddienw ac ni fydd angen unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol.

Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â’r tîm. [email protected]

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