Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Social Prescribing Evaluation Framework Invitation

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As you may be aware, there is currently no core minimum dataset for social prescribing evaluation. This causes a problem for commissioners and providers when attempting to evaluate the varying social prescribing services. This research aims to gather data items from local service providers and commissioners associated with social prescribing and agree which items should be included within a core minimum dataset. Identifying and agreeing a core minimum dataset will allow local social prescribing providers to measure and demonstrate how their services function and deliver outcomes for those who use them. It will also support commissioners in their decision making when seeking to allocate scarce resources.

We are aiming to recruit approximately 20 participants from organisations, providers, and commissioners of social prescribing, in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

We are asking you to take part in up to three online exercises that will help us generate a list of social prescribing associated terms and definitions.

  • Brainstorming. In this task you will generate statements in response to one single sentence. For example, When developing a core minimum data set for our evaluation framework, I think the data that needs to be included is………………...
  • Sorting. This involves individually sorting all of the collated study statements into preferred piles.
  • Rating. This involves rating each study statement against two scales (Importance and how easy each item is to collect).

You are under no obligation to complete all tasks. Each task will be conducted online and should take between 20 and 40 minutes.

Once the consent form has been completed, they will email you a unique password and instructions for the first task.  For ease, tasks are best accessed from a computer or tablet.

If you require further information please contact either myself, Prof. Carolyn Wallace [email protected]  or Prof. Mark Llewellyn [email protected]

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