Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Shaping the future of Wales, for the people of Wales

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The Independent Commission for the Constitutional Future of Wales is reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of devolution, finding out what people think, and exploring options that could improve the future of Wales. The Commission is led by Professor Laura McAllister and Dr Rowan Williams. It includes nine commissioners from different backgrounds, who all have different views. They are all committed to work together and run a fair investigation.

The Commission has been engaging communities in a national conversation since spring 2022. It has been spending time gathering the views of people from a range of sectors and backgrounds, including:

  • Welsh citizens
  • expert panels
  • communities and groups across Wales
  • evidence sessions

Summer roadshow and event series

As part of its conversation with Welsh citizens, the Commission has been ‘popping up’ at different places and events across Wales to highlight its work and the opportunities to get involved.

Engagement Space

The Commission launched an online engagement space in April 2023 to support the conversation. It provides a space to share information, resources and tools in one place, enabling more people to consider Wales’ future and what it means to them. Ultimately, the engagement platform is providing a space for Welsh citizens to explore this topic in different ways, including offering the opportunity to ask questions. If you haven’t already, visit the engagement space where you’ll find information about the different options. Watch the explainer video here.

You’ll also find the Have Your Say survey , which has been completed by just under 600 people. There has been an engagement drive to direct more traffic to the survey and online space. New blogs and content are added to the space each week and community engagement events are being held across all local authority areas of Wales to raise awareness.

All engagement ahead of 1st October will be analysed and included in the Commission’s Final Report. The Final Report, including recommendations, will be published this winter.

Ways to get involved

  • Share your views by completing the survey and taking part in discussions on our engagement space
  • Raise awareness of the Commission by disseminating through your channels and discussing it with your family and friends. Share the survey on your socials!
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Welsh Ambulance Service Annual General Meeting
Wales Arts Health & Wellbeing Network Market Place 17th October

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