Revealing Reality, has partnered with the Royal National Institute for Blind People (RNIB) to create a survey for people with vision impairments in the UK. It aims to measure quality of life and get a better sense of what is important and help the RNIB in the work they do. We want to encourage as many people as possible with vision impairments to do the survey.
Revealing Reality would really appreciate any help in spreading the work about this work with potential participants, whether that be through your partner organisations, any in-person events, or your social media and newsletter/mailing lists.
Revealing Reality have created some materials for people to use to help spread the word about the work and give people an opportunity to participate. You can find it in this Google Drive: This includes a brief about the project, a few posters and some copy that you could easily paste into a newsletter, social media, or any other channels you might use.
To participate in the telephone survey, they’re asking people to provide some contact details so they can then be called back by our interviewers. People can call 0800 009 6066 and leave a message or fill out this webform: (these are included in the materials in the Google Drive).
The survey itself is already live, so Revealing Reality would really appreciate you sharing this information at your earliest convenience!