Rhagor o gyfleoedd am Gyllid Cynhwysiant Gweithredol tan 2022
Mae WCVA yn falch o gadarnhau bod cyfnod nesaf cyllid Cynhwysiant Gweithredol nawr ar agor i geisiadau ac y bydd yn parhau ar agor i geisiadau am y blynyddoedd nesaf.
Dyma newyddion da i’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru, wrth i’r gronfa barhau ar agor, ond hefyd mae hyd prosiectau cymwys nawr wedi’i ymestyn felly gellir eu rhoi ar waith hyd at fis Mehefin 2022.
Nod y Gronfa Cynhwysiant Gweithredol yw helpu mudiadau i wella cyflogadwyedd pobl dan anfantais sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol i gael at y farchnad lafur. Gwna hyn drwy gynnig lleoliadau cyflogaeth gyda chefnogaeth, ariannu cyfleoedd hyfforddi a gweithgareddau meithrin sgiliau a hyder.
Mae mudiadau sydd wedi cwblhau Holiadur Cymhwysedd o’r blaen ac sydd ar y Rhestr Buddiolwyr Cymeradwy eisoes yn gymwys i ymgeisio. Mae’r ffurflen gais y grant hefyd wedi’i diweddaru i hwyluso’r broses.
Dywedodd Tessa White, Pennaeth Grantiau a Gwiriadau Corff Cyfryngol yn WCVA, ‘Rydym wedi cael llwyddiant mawr yn rhaglen bresennol Cynhwysiant Gweithredol hyd yma a hoffem bwysleisio, ni waeth beth ddigwyddith o ran Brexit, y gellir rhoi’r prosiectau hyn ar waith hyd at fis Mehefin 2022, felly byddem yn annog unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb i ymgeisio.’
Mae pedair rownd:
Gorllewin Cymru a’r Cymoedd 25+
Gorllewin Cymru a’r Cymoedd Ieuenctid
Dwyrain Cymru 25+
Dwyrain Cymru Ieuenctid
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y gronfa a sut i ymgeisio, cymerwch olwg ar dudalennau’r Gronfa Cynhwysiant Gweithredol yma www.wcva.org.uk/activeinclusion neu cysylltwch ag aelod o’r tîm drwy ebostio [email protected] neu ffonio 0300 111 0124.
More opportunities for Active Inclusion Funding to 2022
WCVA is pleased to confirm that the next phase of Active Inclusion funding is now open to applications and will continue to be open for applications for the next few years.
In good news for the third sector in Wales, it’s very much business as usual, but the length of eligible projects has now been extended so they can be delivered up to June 2022.
The Active Inclusion Fund aims to help organisations improve the employability of disadvantaged people who need extra assistance to access the labour market. It does this by offering supported employment placements, funded training opportunities and skills and confidence building activities.
Organisations that have previously completed an Eligibility Questionnaire and are on the Approved Beneficiaries List are already eligible to apply. The grant application form has also been updated to make the process easier.
Tessa White, Head of IB Grant & Verification at WCVA, said ‘We’ve had great success with the current Active Inclusion programme to date and want to emphasise that whatever happens with Brexit, these projects can be delivered until June 2022, so we would encourage anyone who’s interested to apply.’
There are four rounds:
West Wales & the Valleys 25+
West Wales & the Valleys Youth
East Wales 25+
East Wales Youth
For more information on the fund and how to apply, take a look at the Active Inclusion Fund webpages at www.wcva.org.uk/activeinclusion or contact a member of the team on [email protected] or ring the team on 0300 111 0124.