Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Public Health Network Cymru – Webinar on 11 October

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Children and the cost of living crisis in Wales: What we know and what we are doing about it

11 October 20231:30pm – 3:00pm

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This webinar will explore current policy, research and practice in Wales which aims to support children and their families through the cost of living crisis. This will include:

  • Key findings from a review of literature looking into the direct and indirect negative health outcomes of the cost of living crisis on children, in the short and longer term.
  • Key findings from a national household survey undertaken by Public Health Wales to understand how people are coping during the cost of living crisis and its impact on health and wellbeing.
  • An update on the work of the Children and Young People’s Health Equity Collaborative: a three year collaboration between Barnardo’s, the Institute of Health Equity (the Marmot team) and three local areas. This programme is creating and delivering key health system enablers to deliver on child health equity.
  • Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) all have a role to play in mitigating the impact of child poverty and inequalities. Learn more about AHPs contribution to reducing the impact of poverty and health inequalities for children in Wales.
  • An introduction to a new conceptual model developed by the First 1000 Days programme which brings together current theory, research evidence and insight into the lived experience of parents and professionals in Wales to understand how the system can support parents to give children the best start in life.
  • An update on the Welsh Government’s Draft Child Poverty Strategy for Wales and how Welsh Government is supporting families through the cost of living crisis.
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ONS – Webinars available before Public Consultation closes 26 October
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