Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Planning Future Cataracts Services in South East Wales

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Aneurin Bevan, Cardiff and Vale, and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Boards are currently undertaking a review of cataract services in South East Wales. Engagement is being sought from all potential service users and stakeholders where people can share their views on the briefing paper that has been produced (link to attached). Engagement will remain open until the 2nd February 2024.

The paper sets out five options for the way forward with cataract services:

  1. One South East Wales Centre: To have one larger centre in south east Wales that will specialise in cataracts within an existing hospital setting. This would be a robust and sustainable option and would be likely to result in the greatest number of patients being treated (and therefore the largest reduction in waiting times) but would mean more patients traveling to one location for a dedicated service.
  2. Two Joint Units: To extend the current temporary arrangements and have two cataract Units, one along the M4 corridor and one closer to the heads of the valleys. This would also make the service more sustainable and result in significant reductions in waiting times and would generally require less travelling for patients than option.
  3. Increasing capacity on three sites: Each health board to increase the capacity at one site within each health board boundary. Some sites will be more able to increase capacity than others. This would reduce waiting times but at a much slower pace and would vary across each health board.
  4. Outsourcing: to arrange for cataracts patients to be treated by private providers. This could be anywhere within South Wales or at a nearby site in England. This would also reduce waiting times (at a slower pace) but would be more expensive and would increase travelling for patients.

5. Do Nothing: maintain current services and worsening waiting times

To take part in the engagement follow this link:


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