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Orchard Trees for Cardiff

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(Via CLAS Cymru)

Orchard Trees for Cardiff

CLAS Cymru have recently submitted a capital funding Expression of Interest bid to Welsh Government to fund a programme of community led orchards across Wales for 2020 – 2021. It is an exciting proposal with plans for over 3600 community delivered orchard trees across Wales before March 2021.

They included a proposal for 600 trees across Cardiff partly because of the publication of the new Sustainable Food Plan for Cardiff and its aim of developing a clear plan for food growing in spaces where the Council has control; and partly because we aware of a number of community led opportunities across the city.

If you are aware of any community or school led green space projects that would value some orchard trees (and where they have the ability to maintain the trees going forward) please Email Lucie on [email protected]


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