A new partnership has been established between Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC), VCS, Diverse Cymru and Race Equality First. This is a result of the 25% cuts imposed on the organisations by Cardiff Council from 1st April 2015.
The new relationship is in its infancy so there is much work to be done in developing and shaping how the partnership will work. What is clear is that each organisation will continue to have an important part to play. C3SC will carry on supporting and representing third sector organisations in Cardiff. VCS will play a key role in facilitating volunteering opportunities. Diverse Cymru’s mandate will still be to promote equality and diversity. Race Equality First will continue to champion race equality and take a stand against discrimination.
Sheila Hendrickson-Brown, Chief Officer of C3SC, said: “Many third sector organisations have had cuts to their budgets, including C3SC. Of course, we’re not happy about the cuts. But we are determined to remain positive and we will do all we can to turn this into something constructive.
“This new opportunity creates the potential for more effective working, sharing and saving resources, and signposting our clients to one another’s services and projects.”
Keep an eye out on our website for news and developments.
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