Join one million people taking part in ambitious research programme ‘Our Future Health’.
The ‘Our Future Health’ research programme is seeking to attract five million volunteers, with the aim of transforming the prevention, detection and treatment of conditions such as
heart disease
It is an ambitious collaboration between the NHS, the private sector and leading UK health charities, which has become the largest study of its kind in the world using blood samples.
Over a million people from across the UK have already joined, including the largest ever number of participants from under-represented groups in a health research programme.
Being part of the research
Every adult living in the UK is eligible to join Our Future Health, including people with pre-existing health conditions. By taking part in Our Future Health, the hope is to support new discoveries that will help everyone live longer and healthier lives. You’ll also have the chance to find out more about your own health and future risk of disease.
Volunteering involves completing a survey and giving blood at certain pharmacies or clinics. There are sites in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. You can find out more about Our Future Health here.