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Health and Social Care Committee update

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We launched an inquiry into Dentistry on 12 July 2022.

The terms of reference and details of how to provide a written response are available on the consultation page.

The closing date for written submissions is Friday 16 September 2022.

We will be holding oral evidence sessions with stakeholders, the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Chief Dental Officer in the autumn term.

Ministerial scrutiny session

We will be holding a general ministerial scrutiny session with the Minister for Health and Social Services and her Deputy Ministers in September.

Follow us on twitter to be the first to find out how you can suggest potential questions.

Impact of the waiting times backlog on people in Wales who are waiting for diagnosis or treatment

We published our report on 7 April 2022, and the Welsh Government responded on 30 May 2022.

The Senedd debated our report on 29 June 2022. Before the debate, we held an informal stakeholder event to discuss the Welsh Government’s response to our report and their plan for transforming and modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists.

We will publish a summary of the issues we discussed with stakeholders in the autumn.

Mental health inequalities

As part of our inquiry on mental health inequalities, we held oral evidence sessions to explore four key inquiry themes on 24 March4 May19 May8 June and 6 July.

We also held an informal stakeholder session on 8 June with people with lived experience of neurodiversity.

We undertook an external visit to EYST Cymru and Barnardo’s Cymru’s Beyond the Blue project on Thursday 23 June. Thank you to both organisations for accommodating us and sharing your experiences.

To ensure that people and their lived experience remain at the heart of this inquiry, over the summer we will be engaging with the workforce and Welsh Youth Parliament members, and establishing an online advisory group.

We will hear from the Welsh Government in the autumn term, before publishing a report later this year.

Hospital discharge and its impact on patient flow through hospitals

We published our report on 15 June 2022.

The Welsh Government is due to respond to our recommendations during the summer, and we hope to schedule a Plenary debate in the autumn.

Pre-appointment hearing: Chair, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

We held a pre-appointment hearing with the Welsh Government’s preferred candidate for this role, Colin Dennis, on 29 June 2022.

We published our report on 1 July 2022.

Other Committee activity

You can find details of our work to date, and our upcoming work programme on our website. You can also follow us on Twitter at @seneddhealth.

Tags: Health and Social Care, news, Senedd, Welsh Parliament
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