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FREE accredited Women for a Change summer course starting 20th July in Cardiff

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What is Women for a Change?

Women Making a Difference’s free ‘Women for a Change’ course successfully develops women’s confidence and ability to get their voices heard in the community.

Covering topics such as:

  • Benefits of getting involved in community activity
  • Sustainable community development
  • Communication and confidence skills
  • Understanding the decision-making processes in local, national, and central Government

Successful candidates will receive a Level 1 Agored Cymru accreditation in community development.

Monday 20th July – Monday 24th August 2015 from  9:30am to 2:30pm (Course runs every Monday for 6 weeks)

Adamsdown Resource Centre, 10g Moira Terrace, Adamsdown, Cardiff CF240EJ.
Book your place now for this fun free course!

To book your place, contact Sally:
Call: (029) 2049 3893
Closing date for booking – Monday 13th July 2015

Consultation on the Draft Compact: Police & Crime Commissioner, Police, and Voluntary/Community Sector
Two courses from Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group Wales

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C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff to follow discussions on various social and or business topics, get support to run or start a project, Community Interest group or charity, find funding, share documents and photos, follow and meet new friends, find jobs and volunteering opportunities, find, rate and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

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C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff. Register now to share your views, contribute to your community and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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