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Universal Credit

20th February 2014

Introduced in pathfinder areas from April 2013 and rolled out nationally from October 2013, universal credit (UC) will transform the current means-tested benefits and tax credit systems. This CAB ourse will look in-depth at the detailed rules, including how entitlement is assessed and the claims and administration procedures. Recommended for those with existing knowledge of the benefits system.


By the end of this course you will be able to:

·        explain how and when UC will affect new and existing claimants

·        describe who is entitled and how to qualify

·        explain how to calculate UC, including help towards housing costs

·        outline the claims and administration procedures

·        explain the rules around transitional protection, conditionality and sanctions, disputes and appeal rights


Level:           Intermediate

Tutor:           Jane Nelson


(Deadline for 10% discount – 20th November 2013)

Visit http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/advisertraining

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20th February 2014
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