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The First all-Wales Menopause Summit in Cardiff

25th June 2019 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

We’re excited to invite you to the first all-Wales Menopause Summit in Cardiff on Tuesday 25th June 2019. 

The menopause remains an unspoken health care challenge in workplaces and across society in Wales. There is a combined lack of scientific research, lack of knowledge amongst health care professionals and a lack of knowledge for women themselves who are going through the menopause.

Nearly all women will experience the menopause at some point in their lives and yet with so little public discourse on the issue many women are left to go through it alone without support or understanding from family, friends, colleagues, employers or health care providers. We aim to change this in Wales.

This summit aims to change that, to bring the menopause out into the open and kick-start the conversation to discuss the challenges women face, whilst creating an agenda for change across Wales. 

The event will include inspiring speakers and personal stories to inform and educate; workshops and discussion groups to share best practice and ask the difficult questions; as well as action-focused conversations to explore solutions and implement change across Wales.

Who is it for?

Everyone is welcome…

  • Women & men who want to learn about the menopause or share their experience
  • Employers and Trade Unions
  • Business Forums
  • Health care professionals (GPs, Consultants, Doctors, physiotherapists, specialist nurses etc)
  • Policy makers, Public Health Wales & Welsh Government
  • Charities & Voluntary organisations working with and for women
  • Academics & Researchers

Please share this invitation with colleagues, friends and your networks who may also be interested in attending.

You can register to attend here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-all-wales-menopause-summit-tickets-55972082004


We hope you are able to join us on the day and look forward to receiving your confirmation of attendance.

If you have any questions please email [email protected]

Best regards,


(Supported by FTWW)



Rydym yn falch iawn o’ch gwahodd i’r Uwchgynhadledd Menopos gyntaf ar gyfer Cymru yng Nghaerdydd ar 25 Mehefin 2019.

Mae’r menopos yn dal i fod yn un o’r heriau cudd o ran gofal iechyd mewn gweithleoedd ac yn y gymdeithas yng Nghymru. Mae’n gyfuniad o ddiffyg ymchwil gwyddonol, diffyg gwybodaeth ymysg arbenigwyr gofal iechyd, a diffyg gwybodaeth i fenywod sy’n mynd trwy’r meonopos.

Bydd y rhan fwyaf o fenywod yn mynd trwy’r menopos ar ryw adeg yn ystod eu bywydau, ac eto, gan fod cyn lleied o drafodaethau cyhoeddus ar y mater, mae llawer o fenywod yn gorfod mynd drwy’r menopos ar eu pen eu hunain, heb unrhyw gefnogaeth na dealltwriaeth gan eu teuluoedd, ffrindiau, cydweithwyr, cyflogwyr, na darparwyr gofal. Ein nod yw newid hyn yng Nghymru.

Nod yr uwchgynhadledd hon yw newid hynny, a dod â menopos allan i’r agored, a dechrau sgwrs yn trafod yr heriau mae menywod yn eu hwynebu, a chreu agenda ar gyfer newid ledled Cymru. 

Yn y digwyddiad hwn, bydd cyfle i glywed siaradwyr ysbrydoledig, ac i glywed storïau personol pobl er mwyn cyflwyno gwybodaeth ac i addysgu eraill. Bydd gweithdai a grwpiau trafod yn cael eu cynnal er mwyn rhoi cyfle i bobl rannu arferion da, ac i ofyn y cwestiynau anodd; bydd cyfle hefyd i sgwrsio am sut i weithredu er mwyn ymchwilio i atebion i broblemau, ac i sicrhau newid ledled Cymru.

Ar gyfer pwy?

Mae croeso i bawb…

  • Menywod a dynion sydd eisiau dysgu am y menopos, neu rannu eu profiadau
  • Cyflogwyr ac Undebau Llafur
  • Fforymau Busnes
  • Arbenigwyr gofal iechyd (Meddygon Teulu, Ymgynghorwyr, Doctoriaid, ffisiotherapyddion, nyrsys arbenigol ac ati)
  • Gwneuthurwyr Polisi, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru
  • Elusennau a sefydliadau Gwirfoddol sy’n gweithio gyda menywod, ac ar eu cyfer
  • Academyddion ac Ymchwilwyr

Rhannwch y wybodaeth hon gyda’ch cydweithwyr, ffrindiau ac eraill a fyddai â diddordeb mewn mynychu.

Gallwch gofrestru i fynychu yma:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-all-wales-menopause-summit-tickets-55972082004


Gobeithiwn y gallwch ymuno â ni, ac edrychwn ymlaen at gael cadarnhad y byddwch yn mynychu.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn, e-bostiwch [email protected]

Cofion gorau,


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25th June 2019
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Holiday Inn, Cardiff City Centre
Holiday Inn, Cardiff City Centre+ Google Map
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