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Anti-social behaviour – what are the answers?

22nd November 2012

Dealing with the causes of anti-social behaviour is a complex and often controversial subject.

This briefing will equip you with an understanding of the range of options and support available to help you and your clients.

The first session will be a comprehensive briefing from Steve Povey, head of Shelter Cymru’s legal team, on the legal situation regarding anti-social behaviour.

This will be followed by a session from Shelter Cymru’s Valleys Inclusion Project team on the development of preventative ASB projects in England and Wales and how such projects can help your clients, including the support that can be offered’.

So, to find out more about the holistic approach to dealing with Anti-social Behaviour, book a place on the briefing.

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22nd November 2012
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Mansell Hall, Llancaiach Fawr, Gelligaer Road, Nelson, Treharris CF46 6ER
Mansell Hall, Llancaiach Fawr, Gelligaer Road, Nelson, Treharris CF46 6ER+ Google Map
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