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Ethical investments

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A message from WCVA

At the last TSSW Chief Officers meeting, we discussed ethical investments. I just wanted to flag the message below from the Charity Commission  which highlights that they will be consulting on this from next week. Their message reads:

“Next month, we’re launching a public consultation on sections of the investment guidance for trustees that cover responsible investments (also known as ethical investments). This follows the listening exercise that you participated in last year.

“Before we update the guidance, we want to make sure any changes are clear and easy to understand.

“Please look out for the consultation on our website when it launches on the 8th April for 6 weeks. There will be a short section of guidance to review and a quick questionnaire to complete. By encouraging someone at your organisation to respond, you can help us make the guidance easier to use. I’ll let you know when the consultation goes live.”

I’m also flagging Association of Charitable Funders’ statement about this for last year.

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