The Dietician’s team at the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (CAVUHB) will be delivering a Community Food and Nutrition Skills Level 2 Course.
The Community Food and Nutrition Skills Level 2 is a course is for professionals, volunteers and community workers. It provides them with the nutrition knowledge and skills they need to either become level 1 tutors or use the information to cascade healthy eating messages with the people they work with. This is a 10 week course, and there is a £20 accreditation fee.
We have courses running on the following days and times starting in January:
- Monday afternoons 3:30-5:30pm, 8th January- 18th March (no session 12th February), in Riverside Health Centre, Wellington Street, CF11 9SH
- Friday mornings 9:30-11:30am, 19th January – 22nd March, in Barry Civic offices, Holton Rd, Barry CF63 4RU
- Wednesday mornings 9:30-11:30am, 24th January – 17th April (no sessions on 14th February, 27th March or 3rd April), Butetown Medical Centre, Plas Iona, Butetown, Cardiff, CF10 5HW.
If you have anyone who is interested and would like to book spaces, please email with their name, email address and a contact phone number so that they can be booked on. Alternatively, please phone 02920 907699.
For further information, please visit or refer to the flyer here.