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Community Engagement and Empowerment

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(via Cwmfera Supporting Communities)

Community Engagement and Empowerment

There is an increasing awareness on the part of public bodies and organisations of the need to directly involve communities in the creation of local services and strategies. Consequently this training session would be of interest to all those seeking to develop partnerships and working relationships with community groups and residents.

The session can take the form of a full days training or half day workshop and will explore the following areas of interest.

  • Benefits of involving communities.
  • Effective methods of engagement.
  • Approaches that encourage inclusion.
  • Developing community expertise.
  • Creating empowered communities.
  • Community empowerment and effective partnerships.

The learning will be interactive with many opportunities for discussion. If you have a suitable venue and a minimum of 6 interested participants then the session can come to you either as a half or full day event.

Tony Lewis is an experienced trainer in the fields of community engagement and development. He has 25 years practical experience in the voluntary and statutory sectors.

For more information or book call 01269 592592


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C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff. Register now to share your views, contribute to your community and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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