The Architectural Heritage Fund is an independent charity that was established to encourage and support the work of registered charities and constituted not-for-profit organisations that is dedicated to the preservation and renewal of buildings of architectural and historic significance which have failed to find a viable re-use on the open market.
To be eligible for funding, the building must:
- Have statutory protection through listing, or be in a conservation area and of acknowledged architectural or historic merit, and be at risk (on account of functional, structural, financial and/or other problems).
- Be capable of beneficial re-use.
- Have, or intend to obtain ‘title’ to the building (‘title’ means either the freehold, or a leasehold of at least 25 years and one day).
Grants of up to £25,000 are available to cover some of the costs of developing and co-ordinating a building project and taking it towards the start of work on site. Applicants are generally expected to cover at least 50% of the cost of the work
The total may include a combination of non-recoverable professional fees up to 100% of the costs up to a limit of £15,000 and project organiser costs up to 75% of the costs up to a limit of £15,000. Project organiser claims are paid at an agreed daily rate, up to a maximum of £350 per day.
The following are not eligible for funding:
- Private individuals.
- Commercial developers or other commercial companies.
- Places of worship that are still in use.
- Legal fees.
Please note that the AHF is currently updating its grant scheme details and eligibility and strongly encourage organisations to discuss any potential application with the relevant Support Officer in their area before submitting an application in order to get the most up to date information.
Find out more at
The 2016 deadlines are 10 February 2016, 11 May 2016, 17 August 2016 and 26 October 2016.