
A New Tribunal System for Wales

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The Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution has published a White Paper “A New Tribunal System for Wales” for consultation.
The White paper sets out our proposals for reform to the system of devolved tribunals in Wales to create a unified, coherent tribunal system which will comprise the First-tier Tribunal for Wales and the Appeal Tribunal for Wales.

Our consultation seeks views on proposals:

·     to create a statutory framework for a new tribunal system comprising of:
–      a new First-tier Tribunal for Wales and
–      a new Appeal Tribunal for Wales;

·     to create a new statutory body, ““Tribiwnlysoedd Cymru /Tribunals Wales””, to administer the new tribunal system;

·     to strengthen judicial supervision through an enhanced role for the President of Welsh Tribunals and Chamber presidents and deputies;

·     to create a consistent approach for setting procedural rules for the new tribunal system; and

·     for simplified and coherent arrangements for the appointment of tribunal members, deployment and complaints.

We welcome as many responses to our consultation as possible. Therefore, please feel to share with your contacts and stakeholders.

The Welsh Government has made an initial assessment of the potential impacts of these proposals, these have also been published as part of the consultation.
We are seeking your views by Monday 2 October 2023.
Tags: consultation, tribunal system, Wales, Welsh Government
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