Please see below this week’s edition of ‘Cardiff Commitment in Action’ which provides a recent snapshot of our progress towards realising the vision and goals of the Cardiff Commitment.
Working together to be a city that inspires its children and young people towards a better future
- Inspire the next generation of children and young people to develop the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow
- Be the bridge between employers and learning organisations to create opportunities and support partnership working
- Engage and expose children and young people to the world of work through multiple interventions
- Supporting young people to progress into education, employment and training and develop the right skills to support growth sectors across the region
Cardiff Commitment in Action – August 2023 – ENG.png
If you have any examples of how partnership working is supporting children and young people to develop ambition, increase skills and take advantage of opportunities which support progression into education, employment or training please get in contact with the team
Gweler isod ar gyfer rhifyn yr wythnos hon o ‘Addewid Caerdydd ar Waith’ sy’n rhoi cipolwg diweddar ar ein cynnydd tuag at wireddu gweledigaeth a nodau Addewid Caerdydd.
Gweithio gyda’n gilydd i fod yn ddinas sy’n ysbrydoli ei phlant a’i phobl ifanc tuag at ddyfodol gwell.
- Ysbrydoli’r genhedlaeth nesaf o blant a phobl ifanc i ddatblygu’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer swyddi yfory
- Bod yn bont rhwng cyflogwyr a sefydliadau dysgu i greu cyfleoedd a chefnogi gweithio mewn partneriaeth
- Ymgysylltu ac amlygu plant a phobl ifanc i’r byd gwaith drwy ymyriadau lluosog
- Cefnogi pobl ifanc i symud ymlaen i addysg, cyflogaeth a hyfforddiant a datblygu’r sgiliau cywir i gefnogi sectorau twf ar draws y rhanbarth
Cardiff Commitment in Action – August 2023 – CYM.png
Os oes gennych unrhyw enghreifftiau o sut mae gweithio mewn partneriaeth yn cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc i ddatblygu uchelgais, cynyddu Sgiliau, a manteisio ar gyfleoedd sy’n cefnogi dilyniant i addysg, cyflogaeth neu hyfforddiant, cysylltwch â’r tîm