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Parental substance

Parental Substance Misuse

2nd April 2020 @ 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Parental Substance Misuse

Parental substance

A One Day Course

Practitioners will gain skills for dealing with parents and supporting children and adolescents, building their resilience and dealing with trauma.

Course aims:

  • The main impact of parental substance misuse (PSM) on child development
  • Life from a Child’s Perspective
  • Factors that increase vulnerability from pre-birth to early adulthood
  • Protective factors from pre-birth to early adulthood
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Building resilience in children

Who the course is aimed at:

Frontline practitioners who want tohave a greater understanding on how parental substance misuse impacts on the lives of children, examining substance misuse, issues of substance misusing parents, its impact on the family environment and how it can hinder child and adolescent development.

About the trainer

Mike Mainwaring has worked with Children and Young People for over 20 years. Specialising in substance misuse, youth homelessness, participation and children’s rights. He is a qualified trainer and has trained children, young people and adults on substance misuse, LGBT issues, children’s rights, participation, dealing with difficult behaviour, safeguarding and child protection, Child Sexual Exploitation and boundaries. He has also developed and run youth lead research projects. He has worked in various settings such as street drug projects, residential rehabilitation, outreach work, play, youth work, manged housing projects and run youth councils. He has an art background, working with young people in distress through the medium of art and exhibiting his own work about social issues.

This course is also offered as in-house training, please contact training@childreninwales.org.uk“>training@childreninwales.org.uk for more information.

Please ensure to have a purchase order number to hand when making your booking. This should be obtained from your finance department.

Please click on the following link for booking  http://www.childreninwales.org.uk/item/parental-substance-misuse-2/

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2nd April 2020
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Event Category:
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