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Age Alliance Wales Annual Conference 2019: Access All Areas?

16th July 2019 @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Age Alliance Wales Annual Conference 2019

Access All Areas?

16th July 2019, Future Inns, Cardiff Bay

9.30am – 3:00pm

(Registration from 9.00am)

Age Alliance Wales members have, over past years, identified numerous difficulties faced by older people and their carers when attempting to access a range of services, including Local Authorities’ Social Services andGP appointments.


Alliance members have carried out extensive research into these matters, and assisted others in their aims to do so, resulting in a substantial body of evidence within a wide range of reports. The conference will consider the findings of some of this work, helping to set out the future direction of the Alliance and its members.


Guest speakers include Matt Jenkins of the Welsh Government’s Social Services & Integration Directorate, Dr. Victoria Winckler of the Bevan Foundation, Nick Selwyn & Euros Lake of the Wales Audit Office, and Katie Cooke of the “Measuring the Mountain” programme. Presentations will also be made by members of Age Alliance Wales, including Carers Wales and Action on Hearing Loss.


To register to attend please do so via https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/age-alliance-wales

For any other queries, please email Kathy Lye at kathy.lye@agecymru.org.uk

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16th July 2019
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
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