FoodCycle’s second Cardiff-based Project (hosted by ACE at the Dusty Forge) will begin on Monday 27th March at 6.30 p.m.
FoodCycle offers a weekly, free, communal meals’ service, and everyone is warmly welcomed to enjoy delicious 3 course vegetarian meals – there is no voucher system or referral mechanism. Typically guests include low income families, homeless people, isolated older people, and people struggling to ‘make ends meet’. Local volunteers create a warm and welcoming atmosphere so that people can chat together comfortably over a shared meal – food for the body and the mind. There is also a free ‘phone-based ‘Check in and Chat’ service for every area where there is a FoodCycle Project. This is open to anyone who would like a ‘phone call from a friendly volunteer every week, and as well as addressing social isolation, it is a chance for people to be signposted to any local services that they could benefit from.
You can download info flyers (A5 sizing) here.