We would like to invite you to our upcoming training workshop on ‘Volunteer Recruitment, Selection and Induction‘. The training will help you improve your knowledge on Volunteer Recruitment, Selection and Induction. It would be suitable for volunteer managers, coordinators, supervisors, team leaders and individuals who have responsibility for recruiting, training and managing volunteers. Volunteers are welcome to apply and will be allocated a space, on a first come first served basis.
By the end of the course, you will:
- Be familiar with a range of methods to attract a diversity of volunteers
- Recognise ‘selection’ as a two ways process and be familiar with a range of selection tools
- Understand the use of vetting procedures including DBS checks and recognise their limitations
- Understand the purpose and nature of a) volunteer agreements and b) volunteer induction
- Recognise potential uses and abuses of volunteers’ personal information
- Recognise ways in which volunteering can be made more accessible to all
Meeting details
Date: Thursday 9th December 2021
Time: 2-4:30pm
Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/volunteer-recruitment-selection-and-induction-tickets-219132349757
We look forward to seeing you there.