Research study into volunteering during COVID-19
Mobilising Voluntary Action: Learning from today, prepared for tomorrow
WCVA and Aberystwyth University are currently working with partners on a UK wide collaborative research study looking at volunteering during COVID-19. The research aims to strengthen the evidence base on the impact on COVID on volunteering and what support is needed within communities and organisations. Learning from the research will generate recommendations to shape future policy and inform recovery.
The research team are really keen to hear from volunteer involving organisations Wales about the effects on COVID on volunteering and welcome the perspective of volunteer managers/co-ordinators in third sector organisations in Wales as to how COVID has affected volunteering, current challenges and supported that is needs. It would be fantastic if you could share your views and experiences via this survey:
Wales Survey Link (English Language)
Findings from the research will be shared via the project website in June/July 2021.
Thank you for getting involved in this important study.
If you have any questions about the research, please contact: