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Meet the Funder Event: Lloyds Bank Foundation

7th December 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

C3SC will be joined by Lloyds Bank Foundation’s Wales Grants Manager to explore the Specialist Programme funding scheme.

By attending this session you will have the opportunity to learn more about the Specialist Programme funding scheme, managed by the Lloyds Bank Foundation in Wales.

This programme is for small, local, specialist charities supporting people facing complex issues which make life much harder for people and prevent them from fulfilling their potential.

The Scheme is designed for Charities which provide support for one of these themes: homelessness, asylum seekers and refugees, domestic abuse, addiction, care leavers, sexual abuse and exploitation, trafficking and modern slavery and offending.

Under this programme the Lloyds Bank Foundation will support charities to strengthen their capacity and capabilities and become more resilient through a range of tailored development support offers, alongside a three-year unrestricted grant of £75,000.

Please visit Lloyds Bank Foundation website for more information:-

Apply for funding under our Specialist Programme (lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk)

By attending this Meet the Funder event we aim to give you the opportunity to:

  • Ask questions about the Specialist Programme, including the application process.
  • Hear about who the programme is focused on supporting.
  • Better understand what is currently being funded by the programme, and whether your project fits within this.
  • Gain an insight into the decision-making processes led by the funder.
  • Receive advice direct from Lloyds Bank Foundation

This Meet the Funder event is suitable for fundraisers based and working in Wales, for small local and specialist charities.

When: Thursday 7th December 2023 2-3pm

The event will be taking place on Microsoft Teams and the link will be sent through 24 hours prior to the event taking place.

Sign up here

For any further enquiry please contact C3SC on 02920 485722 or email [email protected]

We are look forward to seeing you!

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Cardiff Third Sector Council C3SC
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